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Creating a Clickable Call to Action

Creating a Clickable Call to Action

We’ve talked about how content-is-king and the importance of churning it out at lightning speed. We’ve talk about how if you are not creating you are not going to be converting. But what about once you’ve produced the tip-top content?

How can you be sure that content is causing conversions and ending in actual sales? Well, with a simple call to action, of course!

Its not enough to just add a CLICK HERE, GET STARTED, or FREE QUOTE button to your page. Your call to action must have all the qualities that scream CLICK ME!

Here are six tips to getting those clicks:

  1. Use actionable words, but they must be accompanied with a clear and defined explanation of what the consumer will gain if they do indeed, click here. The action must have clear (and desirable) consequences.

  2. Consider your colors. That’s right- it actually matters what color you are using as psychology proves that different colors invoke different feelings and emotions and you don’t want to confuse your consumer by choosing the wrong color.

  3. Stick to five or fewer words. Studies have been done, research has been conducted- just trust us!

  4. Along with the color, the font you use matters, the size you use matters and the placement of the CTA also matter. General rules: don’t give someone a headache with a huge flashing monster text block. Don’t use obnoxious colors that hurt the eyes. Don’t use a font that is too quirky to actually be read. The message here is just as important as the presentation.

  5. Employ the K.I.S.S. method and “Keep it simple, stupid!”. Don’t make it complicated, this isn’t the time to challenge or make someone think. You want to be direct, succinct, and clear.

  6. Your CTA must be speaking to one specific, defined and pre-designated customer. Don’t throw the spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks- you need to know who you are talking to and cater the CTA directly to them, like you are in a one-on-one conversation. Don’t address big groups and expect your ideal customer to swim their way to the front.

Last bit of advice- engage in some rigorous testing before you launch your CTA. Conduct some user tests and A/B Tests to make sure you putting the right message out there in the right way before you make things live.

RANONE® |business advisor

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