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Peer Groups – will they work for me?

Are you looking for a new way to boost productivity, and reduce costs? Why not use Peer-to-Peer Team Building to boost Productivity? Ran One Business Partners, have a great low-to-no cost way for you to do just that!

Peer groups have rapidly taken shape as one of the hottest trends in small business management over the last year.

Traditionally geared towards CEO’s and executive leadership roles, this strategy can be implemented by any small business entrepreneur, no matter what title you may hold.

Peer groups build inter

connectivity among your industry as well as encourage community engagement, another growing trend of 2020 to pay attention to.

The impetus behind the peer group bore out of a common mind frame amongst entrepreneurs, who struggle to find connection and purpose within their communities, due to their isolating nature (especially in the start up phases).

Leaders started to see that this isolation was a fault and it was holding them back from connecting with communities and therefore creating trusting relationships. The peer group is a great way to forge those gaps.

Some of the benefits of forum-based conversations with like-minded entrepreneurs are that you will find yourself being challenged, pushing yourself outside of your comfort levels, raising your own expectations and setting goals you didn’t realize you were missing.

These groups are based around interaction, support, objectivity, experimentation, accountability, motivation, and emotional support all in a safe and trusting space.

Conversations that are same-level-support-based rather than a traditionally mentorship driven are more fruitful, because they are based on shared experience at the same time- everyone is talking from the same trench, as opposed to the “when I was in the trenches” format of a mentor-mentee relationship.

Luckily, this trend caught on quick and now there are a plethora of worldwide group options for any interested entrepreneur.

A short list of some to consider:

1. Entrepreneurs’ Organization

2. Vistage

3. Young Presidents

4. Women Presidents Organization

5. 10x Factory

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